For Immediate Release: December 14, 2022
IBEW Hails NLRB’s Thryv Decision as Victory for Workers’ Rights
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers praised yesterday’s National Labor Relations Board ruling on Thryv, Inc., as a historic win for workers’ rights.
“This decision puts real teeth behind existing labor law and will help deter employers from denying their employees their lawful rights in the future,” said IBEW International President Lonnie Stephenson.
The NLRB ruled 3-2 that six IBEW members performing sales work were illegally laid off by the marketing and software company Thryv, Inc., and are due more than just back pay for time they were out of work.
The decision changes the NLRB’s standard remedy and clarifies that damages caused by unfair labor practices include not just lost paychecks, but all direct or foreseeable financial damages caused by the unfair labor practice. In this case, that should include out-of-pocket medical expenses, lost automobile allowances and return of the book of business that the laid off employees had before losing their jobs.
“Unlawfully losing your job costs more than just a missed paycheck,” said Stephenson. “It can mean large medical bills due to canceled health insurance, damage to your credit score and penalties and fees from late payments. The NLRB recognized this in their ruling, and that’s good news for every working person.”
The NLRB found Thryv. Inc. guilty of unfairly laying off members of IBEW Local 1269 (now part of Local 45) without first bargaining with the union.
“Being found guilty of violating workers’ rights should mean real consequences, and the NLRB’s majority makes a crucial first step in ensuring that happens,” said Stephenson. “All working people, not just union members, will benefit from the precedent this case established.”
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents approximately 775,000 members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including construction, utilities, manufacturing, telecommunications, broadcasting, railroads and government.